Courtesy of Wonkette:
CNN’s Alisyn Camerota sat down with some Trump-loving Americans to find out how dumb they are, and she was not disappointed!
Here are some of the things Camerota learned according to Wonkette:
That whole thing with how Donald Trump has emboldened white supremacists and Nazis? One Trump lady says that’s no biggie, and would probably just go away, except for “the media has to hop on everything, and it’s wrong!” That’s right, DAMN THAT MEDIA for hopping on all the racists and bigots attacking minorities around the country. It’s probably Katy Tur’s fault!
Having made one salient point, the original Trump lady takes an express train to Crazy Town, asserting that “Voting is a privilege in this country, and you need to be legal, not like California where three million illegals voted!” At this point, Camerota wants to know where lady got her information, and she responds that it was “coming all across the media!” It was even on CNN, she says! Camerota shakes her head and says “No” very quietly, because bless her heart.
“Do you think that three million people illegally voted?” Camerota is obviously worried about the people in front of her. Trump lady says yes, in California, illegals voted. “How many?” NOBODY KNOWS! “Do you think three dozen or do you think three million?” Trump lady ain’t know! But she knows it happened because President Obama told illegals they could vote.
(FACTCHECK: The fuck he did!)
But all the Trump supporters heard him say that, with their ear holes!
“WHERE?” Alisyn Camerota is trying not to take one million shots of whiskey and quit on the spot at this point.
Trump supporters agree that you can find it on the Googles.
And also on Facebook.
Camerota actually Googles that last "factoid" right in front of these knuckle draggers, identifies it as made up garbage from Fox News, and...drum roll makes absolutely NO difference to them.
IN fact one of the little old ladies tells her that California allows illegal voting, causing this reaction:
Camerota tries desperately to correct their mistakes, but how can she?
After all they learned them on Facebook, which ALL Trump supporters know is the only source of truth.
CNN’s Alisyn Camerota sat down with some Trump-loving Americans to find out how dumb they are, and she was not disappointed!
Here are some of the things Camerota learned according to Wonkette:
That whole thing with how Donald Trump has emboldened white supremacists and Nazis? One Trump lady says that’s no biggie, and would probably just go away, except for “the media has to hop on everything, and it’s wrong!” That’s right, DAMN THAT MEDIA for hopping on all the racists and bigots attacking minorities around the country. It’s probably Katy Tur’s fault!
Having made one salient point, the original Trump lady takes an express train to Crazy Town, asserting that “Voting is a privilege in this country, and you need to be legal, not like California where three million illegals voted!” At this point, Camerota wants to know where lady got her information, and she responds that it was “coming all across the media!” It was even on CNN, she says! Camerota shakes her head and says “No” very quietly, because bless her heart.
“Do you think that three million people illegally voted?” Camerota is obviously worried about the people in front of her. Trump lady says yes, in California, illegals voted. “How many?” NOBODY KNOWS! “Do you think three dozen or do you think three million?” Trump lady ain’t know! But she knows it happened because President Obama told illegals they could vote.
(FACTCHECK: The fuck he did!)
But all the Trump supporters heard him say that, with their ear holes!
“WHERE?” Alisyn Camerota is trying not to take one million shots of whiskey and quit on the spot at this point.
Trump supporters agree that you can find it on the Googles.
And also on Facebook.
Camerota actually Googles that last "factoid" right in front of these knuckle draggers, identifies it as made up garbage from Fox News, and...drum roll makes absolutely NO difference to them.
IN fact one of the little old ladies tells her that California allows illegal voting, causing this reaction:
Camerota tries desperately to correct their mistakes, but how can she?
After all they learned them on Facebook, which ALL Trump supporters know is the only source of truth.