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Friday, 2 December 2016

Keith Olbermann puts to rest any question as to whether Russia hacked America in order to put Trump into the White House.

I have to admit I was a little hesitant to embrace this new Olbermann and his one man resistance movement, but he is growing on me.


As if to underline the very points that Keith makes in that diatribe, here is Vladimir Putin talking about how anxious he is to begin working with our new president: 

Putin said Russia is looking forward to mending ties with the US after president-elect Donald Trump takes office in January. 

"We are ready for cooperation with the new American administration," he said. 

"It's important to normalise and develop our bilateral ties on an equal and mutually beneficial basis. We share responsibility for ensuring global security and stability and strengthening the non-proliferation regime."

Well of course looking forward to "mending ties" now that he has his puppet in place and knows that any deal he reaches with America will benefit Russia far more than they will benefit America. 

Do any of you remember those old spy movies where the government head was replaced with a guy who had been trained by an enemy state to secretly take over and undermine their country?

Remember how we used to think that was far fetched and a little ridiculous?

Those were the days weren't they?


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