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Thursday, 20 October 2016

For the first time in its history the Alaska Federation of Natives have endorsed a presidential candidate. And it's Hillary Clinton.

Hey Alaska!
Courtesy of KTUU: 

For the first time since its formation in 1966, the Alaska Federation of Natives has officially endorsed a U.S. presidential candidate. 

As the organization gears up for its annual convention in Fairbanks, AFN announced on Wednesday morning that the Board had adopted a resolution endorsing Hillary Clinton for president. 

In a press release explaining the decision, AFN said that Clinton’s priorities closely reflected those of native Alaskan communities, so much so that the board was “compelled to break tradition.” 

“AFN and many of our members have long held policies of non-endorsement when it comes to presidential elections, and some Board members abstained because they needed further internal discussions with their groups,” AFN said in the statement. “Overall the AFN Board voted decisively to endorse Hillary Clinton as the best choice for President of the United States.

Holy crap my heart is beating so hard in my chest that I can barely hear myself think.

Now of course this in no way means that ALL native Alaskans will vote for Hillary, nor that the state is about to go blue, but it IS a very big deal.

The native vote is how Lisa Murkowski managed to win the Senate as a write in candidate back in 2010, and they are a voting block with some real influence.

Just let me forewarn you that if Alaska ends up voting for the Democrat for the first time in over 40 years I am going to be impossible to live with.

I will be running around my house screaming, and every post on here for the first day will be some version of "How do you like me now?"

And of course I will also feel compelled to reach out and thank Sarah Palin for helping to destroy the Republican party and turn my state blue for the first time since 1964.

I'm thinking flowers and a nice card. 

Yes, I would be THAT excited.


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