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Friday, 5 August 2016

So is Bernie Sanders following in the footsteps of Ron Paul or Sarah Palin?

Courtesy of USA Today: 

Sen. Bernie Sanders began fundraising Wednesday for his new political organization, tapping supporters in an email for contributions to “continue our critical work to take back our country from the billionaire class.” 

“Our Revolution,” the former Democratic presidential candidate writes, aims to bring “millions” of working and young people into the political system; recruit and support the “next generation of progressive leaders” running for office, from school board to U.S. Senate; and educate the public about “the most pressing issues confronting our nation” that he says the “corporate media” fails to emphasize. 

“Our goal will be the same as in our campaign: we must work to transform American society by making our political and economic systems work for all of us, not just the 1 percent,” wrote Sanders.

Okay now I know that Bernie Bros are already hyperventilating over the fact that I would dare to compare their hero to Ron Paul or (Gasp!) Sarah Palin.

However the comparisons are viable.

Now according to this USA Today article the "Our Revolution" organization is supposed to launch later this month, but right now they are soliciting and receiving donations that go through Act Blue, a Democratic PAC that was established in 2004.

If Bernie is going the Ron Paul route we can expect to see him have some impact on the Democratic party in certain places around the country (Remember the Paulites, led by Joe Miller, took over the Alaska Republican party for a short while in 2012.), but no real noticeable impact on national politics.

However if he is going the Sarah Palin route then he will simply be giving lip service to the idea of political change while pocketing the money for himself to pay for things like air travel, "consultants," and of course keeping his family members flush with cash.

And before anybody scoffs at that last paragraph remember there is precedent since Sanders illegally used campaign money to visit with the Pope during his campaign.

All I am saying is that if you have ever mocked those who contribute to SarahPAC, and then turn around and give money to this Sanders "revolution," you might want to have a serious conversation with yourself in the mirror.


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