Protestors stand silently and hold up pocket copies of the Constitution.— Katy Tur (@KatyTurNBC) August 4, 2016
Courtesy of HuffPo:WATCH: Protesters holding Constitutions kicked out of #Trump rally.— Correct The Record (@CorrectRecord) August 4, 2016
Several protesters were thrown out of a Donald Trump rally in Portland, Maine, on Thursday after they interrupted the GOP nominee’s stump speech by standing and holding up pocket-sized copies of the U.S. Constitution in the air.
You know I have made comments about being down the rabbit hole before, but folks we are REALLY down the rabbit hole here.
Typically Republicans speak of the Constitution as if it is written by God right along with the Bible, but apparently after Khizr Khan held one up during the Democratic convention it lost all value to the conservatives.
That is just amazing.
P.S. Is this the right place to mention that according to a recent McClatchy-Marist poll Hillary Clinton is now leading Trump by 15 points nationally?