On Facebook Sarah "Back to you Jim" Palin expanded on this brief response:Palin says Trump will accept election results if they are "legit results" http://pic.twitter.com/9fvzz5zLBC— Holly Bailey (@hollybdc) October 20, 2016
It was great to witness UNLV's Presidential debate tonight. Great running in to many friends! ("Friends?")
Trump ran the table and clearly explained his vision for making America safe and strong again. What a gamble it would be to vote for status quo failed government... more of the same of what dug us into the mess we're in today. (That "mess" would be the result of Republican leadership, NOT the Obama administration. For all you history buffs.)
Thank you to superb law enforcement personnel for keeping everyone safe tonight. Incredible job; incredibly tough task they accomplish - with a smile, no less!
Seems silly media sheep are all chomping down on one issue after this debate, at least according to all the reporters who hollered out this same question to me: "What about Trump not accepting the election results?”
More power to Trump for explaining how vitally important the legitimacy of every election is to our democracy within our Republic. (Gee what a surprise that she sees no problem with questioning the legitimacy of a national election. After all she is still convinced that she and John McCain won back in 2008. Not kidding!)
What reasonable person would preemptively accept any and all hypothetical questions and conditions of any hypothetical election? Trump's answer was RIGHT. (Hang on I think you got a little batshit on your keyboard there Sarah.)
Every American's sacred vote MUST be respected and legitimized in today's elections - but they must be FAIR elections. We're in the midst of proof of voter fraud and questionable - even violent - participatory elements in campaigns. That's why state legislators are now cracking down on voter fraud via tighter laws ensuring the security of our elections. (Well we know where SHE'S been getting her "news.")
When Trump is pressed on this, it harkens back to all the GOP primary candidates who screamed at Trump to support the Republican nominee - no matter what - and Trump initially responded that he could, depending on fair treatment. That is WISE and INSIGHTFUL! (Or as sane people refer to it Irresponsible and Arrogant.)
Trump got screwed in that deal when he eventually pledged to support the nominee and then some of his fellow candidates turned tail and refused to reciprocate when Trump won.
Trump learned - why give opponents permission and incentive to act unfairly and cheat? It's shortsighted to commit to accepting the outcome of a race REGARDLESS of unscrupulous cheaters. How totally unfair that would be to the American voter! (So far down the rabbit hole here.)
Trump gave potential cheaters fair warning that we'll not give them any quarter. We'll hold them accountable. They'd better be on their toes. Cheaters will not win. (WE'LL hold them accountable?)
Of course Trump will accept the legitimate outcome of a legitimate election! What the heck is so hard to understand about that?(Well I guess it would be easier to understand if THAT WERE ACTUALLY WHAT TRUMP SAID!)
- Sarah Palin
If you will allow me I will give you the benefit of my years of digesting Palin word salad and provide a complete translation.
"Oh god, please give me a job Donnie! Clearly I have no journalistic ethics and will echo whatever talking points are put in front of me, all of them and any of them. I have a bunch of poorly educated, substance addicted losers at home to house and feed, and my damn SarahPAC funds are not even enough to book passage on float plane for a trip across Lake Lucille. Please Donald I will do anything, even all of the things that Melania now refuses to do!"
I think that pretty much sums it up.
Oh wait, you think I am exaggerating the idea that Trump is preparing to launch his media empire and still think he is actually running for President?
Well take a look at this:
In the minutes before the third and final presidential debate, Donald Trump went live on Facebook in what may have been the inaugural broadcast of a forthcoming Trump News Network.
A little after 8:30 p.m., Trump’s official Facebook page posted the link to the live video, offering up an alternative to the mainstream broadcast. The message: “If you’re tired of biased, mainstream media reporting (otherwise known as Crooked Hillary’s super PAC), tune into my Facebook Live broadcast. Starts at 8:30 EST/5:30 PST — you won’t want to miss it. Enjoy!”
The broadcast quickly ballooned to around 200,000 concurrent viewers but quickly fell off to around 120,000. As of the middle of the debate, the feed was holding steady at around 170,000, trailing only the ABC News debate feed on the platform. The livestream featured punditry from retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn and former Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, and in place of commercials, the feed was interspersed with pro-Trump ads and a special message from Ivanka Trump.
Looking more like public access than a glitzy cable news offering, the broadcast moved slowly between guests with at least one or two hot-mic off moments where the hosts discussed where the next segment was headed. There were also hints of some surprise programming after the debate ends.
As you might imagine during this beta version of Trump TV all of the pro-Trump coverage was glowing and according to EVERYBODY who appeared on the feed Trump wiped the floor with Hillary in the debate.
In other words the only prerequisite for participation was to be a complete Trump sycophant unencumbered with concern for facts or ethical reporting.
In other words Sarah Palin's dream job.
So yes, there is very likely going to be a new alt-right media outlet, and yes clearly Sarah Palin wants to get in on the ground floor.
Source http://ift.tt/2eKKXep