You don't have to be a political pundit to have known this was coming.
In other Clinton news the FBI took the unprecedented step of releasing the notes from her interview over the private server.
Here is a tweet from the New York Times in response.
In spite of that her top advisers are optimistically predicting that this election will be a landslide for Hillary, and are preparing for that eventuality:
Advisers to Hillary Clinton’s campaign have identified so many paths to an Election Day victory they are now focusing not only on the one or two battlegrounds that would ensure a win but on opening up the possibility of an Electoral College landslide.
“Hillary Clinton has many paths to 270 electoral votes, more than any candidate in a generation,” said Jeff Berman, a paid consultant to her campaign.
Revealing a level of confidence Clinton’s inner circle has been eager to squash for weeks, outside advisers have now identified victories in Pennsylvania and New Hampshire as the path of least resistance, delivering for the Democratic nominee more than the 270 electoral votes needed to take the White House. And they are projecting increased confidence about her chances in Republican-leaning North Carolina, a state that could prove as critical as Ohio or Pennsylvania.
If I were one of these advisers I would be cautioning against counting unhatched eggs and telling everybody concerned to stay focused on the finish line.
We have all seen what can happen when you start celebrating early.
Oh yeah, that could happen.
Having said that I think that the campaign is making some very smart decisions.
On Monday there will be a Hillary Clinton documentary broadcast which will feature her addressing the Monica Lewinsky scandal head on:
"It was really hard. It was painful. And I was so supported by my friends. My friends just rallied around," the Democratic nominee told CNN's Pamela Brown in a clip from a forthcoming documentary set to air Monday night.
Speaking of her friends, Clinton said they would visit and "try to make me laugh, they would recommend books to read, we'd go for long walks, we'd hang out, you know eat bad food."
"Just the kinds of things you do with your friends, and it was something that you just had to get up every day and try to deal with while still carrying on a public set of responsibilities," Clinton said. "So it was very, very challenging."
I have been waiting for the campaign to do something like this as it will help diffuse one of the Republican attack strategies as well as to help humanize her, which is something apparently that she still needs to do.
I think a lot of both female and male voters can commiserate with her over feeling betrayed by a significant other. And that will help them to see her as a person rather than the monster the conservatives have created and sold to the media.
In other Clinton news the FBI took the unprecedented step of releasing the notes from her interview over the private server.
Here is a tweet from the New York Times in response.
As expected there is no smoking gun, but of course the Right Wing is already sifting through it to find some molehill they can blow up into a mountain to use against her.Hillary Clinton's comments to the F.B.I. were largely consistent with what she has said publicly in recent weeks— NYT Politics (@nytpolitics) September 2, 2016
In spite of that her top advisers are optimistically predicting that this election will be a landslide for Hillary, and are preparing for that eventuality:
Advisers to Hillary Clinton’s campaign have identified so many paths to an Election Day victory they are now focusing not only on the one or two battlegrounds that would ensure a win but on opening up the possibility of an Electoral College landslide.
“Hillary Clinton has many paths to 270 electoral votes, more than any candidate in a generation,” said Jeff Berman, a paid consultant to her campaign.
Revealing a level of confidence Clinton’s inner circle has been eager to squash for weeks, outside advisers have now identified victories in Pennsylvania and New Hampshire as the path of least resistance, delivering for the Democratic nominee more than the 270 electoral votes needed to take the White House. And they are projecting increased confidence about her chances in Republican-leaning North Carolina, a state that could prove as critical as Ohio or Pennsylvania.
If I were one of these advisers I would be cautioning against counting unhatched eggs and telling everybody concerned to stay focused on the finish line.
We have all seen what can happen when you start celebrating early.
Oh yeah, that could happen.
Having said that I think that the campaign is making some very smart decisions.
On Monday there will be a Hillary Clinton documentary broadcast which will feature her addressing the Monica Lewinsky scandal head on:
"It was really hard. It was painful. And I was so supported by my friends. My friends just rallied around," the Democratic nominee told CNN's Pamela Brown in a clip from a forthcoming documentary set to air Monday night.
Speaking of her friends, Clinton said they would visit and "try to make me laugh, they would recommend books to read, we'd go for long walks, we'd hang out, you know eat bad food."
"Just the kinds of things you do with your friends, and it was something that you just had to get up every day and try to deal with while still carrying on a public set of responsibilities," Clinton said. "So it was very, very challenging."
I have been waiting for the campaign to do something like this as it will help diffuse one of the Republican attack strategies as well as to help humanize her, which is something apparently that she still needs to do.
I think a lot of both female and male voters can commiserate with her over feeling betrayed by a significant other. And that will help them to see her as a person rather than the monster the conservatives have created and sold to the media.