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Saturday, 3 September 2016

Yes, and they adored him so much that they honored him by stuffing his "statues" full of delicious candies.

Actually according to a California representative they sold out of the Trump pinatas in her state:

Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA) reminded (Boris) Epshteyn that Trump had called Mexicans rapists, murderers and drug dealers. 

“That’s not correct,” Epshteyn insisted. 

“It is not leadership to demonize a community, to bash them verbally, to use venomous rhetoric to incite people sometimes to violence against a community,” Sanchez remarked. “And then accept an invitation and somehow think that everything is going to be forgiven.” 

“I just want to warn the GOP of one thing,” the California Democrat said. “In Los Angeles County — and I don’t know what polls you’re looking at, sir — but in L.A. County, you cannot get your hands on a Trump piñata because they are sold out and they’re on back order. And for every child that has taken a whack at a Trump piñata, that’s a voter that the GOP has lost for a lifetime. They are not going to forget that.”

Yep the Latino community in America and Mexico certainly have strong feelings concerning Donald Trump alright.

However if I were working on his security detail I might discourage him from walking through certain Hispanic communities, as you can never tell when a stick wielding mob might rush out to see what comes out of his tubby orange ass when you start hitting him.


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