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Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Just a reminder that there was a bill which would have prevented the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida and the Republicans blocked it.

Courtesy of MSNBC from back in December of last year: 

Senate Republicans rejected a bill that aims to stop suspected terrorists from legally buying guns, on Thursday. The vote came a day after at least 14 people were killed during the San Bernardino massacre in California by two suspects, including a woman said to have pledged allegiance to ISIS. 

Forty-five senators voted for the bill and 54 voted against it. One Democrat, Sen. Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, and one Republican, Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois, crossed party lines. 

The measure would have denied people on the terrorist watch list the ability to buy guns. 

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who sponsored the legislation, argued that former President George W. Bush initially proposed the legislation in 2007, and the Obama administration also supports it. 

“If you need proof that Congress is a hostage to the gun lobby, look no further than today’s vote blocking a bill to prevent known or suspected terrorists from buying guns and explosives,” she said. “Congress has been paralyzed by the gun lobby for years, while more and more Americans are killed in mass shootings. The carnage won’t stop until Congress finds the courage to stand up to the gun lobby and protect the nation.”

President Obama addressed this very situation just a few days ago:

So despite what Bernie Sanders may have wanted people to believe, there IS a difference between the Democrats and the Republicans in Washington.

Democrats want to keep Americans safe and the Republicans want to help the gun manufacturers make money.

Does not get any simpler than that.

(H/T to the Democratic Underground.)


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