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Thursday, 14 July 2016

Donald Trump gives the lamest excuse ever for why Sarah Palin did not get invited to speak at the Republican convention.

Courtesy of the Washington Examiner:

Former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin isn't included in the official list of speakers for the Republican National Convention next week, and Donald Trump suggested in an interview that her absence is because she lives too far from the venue. 

"She was asked," Trump told the Washington Examiner in a phone interview on Thursday. "It's a little bit difficult because of where she is. We love Sarah. Little bit difficult because of, you know, it's a long ways away."

Wait, so the ONLY reason that Sarah Palin is not speaking at the big GOP convention next week is that it is too far for her highness to fly?

Well it certainly was not too far for her to fly when she was endorsing Donald Trump.

Nor was it too far for her to fly to give a high school commencement speech, appear on a reboot of a 70's game show, or to show up at the Indianapolis 500.

In fact, as we have all seen, Sarah Palin will jump on a plane to get the hell out of Alaska for pretty much any reason you can think of.

So, why do we REALLY think she is not going to appear on that stage?


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