As has been mentioned earlier on this blog Levi and Sunny appeared in court this morning, even though the custody case has been settled.
Most of you have already guessed why Bristol is still able to drag Levi through the court system, though I am apparently not supposed to state it definitively here on IM. Let's just say that today's hearing, as you can determine for yourself by visiting Court View, should be entitled the "Shut Gryphen up!" hearing.
Apparently, if my sources are correct, Bristol seems to believe that Levi controls me and can somehow keep me from posting anything that could prove damaging to her.
For the record, no he cannot.
However I think that once that part has been established today in court that the next plan will be to simply take Levi back to court as often as they can in the future and punish him financially for every negative story I write about her or her family with information that he may, or may not have provided during our conversations. (I DO have other sources still.)
In fact I learned yesterday that CSSD cleaned out Levi's accounts, and took all of the money that he had in there earmarked for the building of that house for his mother.
If I had to guess I would imagine that SOMEBODY notified the department about the Johnston GoFundMe account and tried to make sure that the money would not reach their lawyer. However the lawyer money was paid so instead they simply got the money for Sherry's house.
Just more dirty tricks my friends.
So let me take a minute to explain what I don't think a lot of people understand about Levi's case.
It may seem to simply be a child custody case, but in fact it is a 1st Amendment case.
Let me explain what I mean by that.
You see ever since Levi and Bristol split up, she and her mother have used Tripp, and other tactics, to keep Levi quiet about the things that he saw while living with them, and while dating her.
In my opinion Sherry Johnston's drug conviction was just one of those tactics. (Trust me, how she came to be arrested and the length of her conviction were HIGHLY unusual.)
When Levi hooked up with Rex and Tank (And remember that was just an attempt to get his son back in his life as well.) he started to tell the media those very stories, but at some point his handlers were compromised and once again Levi became afraid to speak freely.
(For instance do you remember when Levi supposedly apologized publicly to the Palins for the things he said in the media? Yeah? Well he never did that, in fact he only found out about it AFTER it had been published. But he was too intimidated by what they might do to correct that story.)
If you have been paying attention, EVERY time Levi came off of his leash, even to simply explain that he did NOT owe the amount of child support that was being reported in the media, he has suffered consequences. Which most of the time resulted in a loss of contact with his son.
After awhile you become afraid to even say your name to a reporter, much less tell your story.
To put that into perspective that would be like if YOU were constantly afraid that if you talked about your child, your ex, or some seemingly innocuous part of your life, with ANYBODY, that it might show up in a tabloid or blog somewhere and you would suddenly have no contact with your child or you would be viciously attacked in the press.
So when Levi came to me, after exhausting all other possibilities, you have understand how desperate he had become.
I gave him the money for his lawyer with no strings attached, but Levi felt it was only right to answer some of my questions, and so he did. Even though at the time he worried about the backlash, I assured him that nothing would be reported until AFTER the custody case was decided.
And I kept my word.
I must explain in my defense that I carefully laid this whole thing out for Levi and explained how he would be safe from retaliation if he were only to avoid a couple of missteps.
One of those missteps was to ever put trust into any deal from Bristol or her attorneys, or to believe that they would ever keep their side of any bargain.
Unfortunately I was not able to attend Levi's hearings with him and not everything went the way it was supposed to. For that reason we now find ourselves where we are today.
Today's hearing was closed so I will not be told what happened, and therefore cannot share it here.
I can tell you that Levi and Sunny have been under assault for this entire week, and that is most likely why Sunny has deleted her Facebook page.
I don't know what comes next for Levi and Sunny but I do know that I have no intention of being silenced.
In the meantime those who are helping to destroy this young couple's life seem to be largely untouched by any such drama.
Courtesy of Bristol's blog:
Dakota and I have a dilemma probably biweekly. He thinks clean shaven looks the best.
But, I disagree! I like him scruffy.
He says if I’m right – and people agree with me more – he’ll keep it scruffy.
If I’m wrong – he can shave whenever.
HELP ME OUT! Vote which look is best!
Yes while Levi and Sunny fight to keep their family together and pay their bills those with the means simply get to debate the importance of grooming.
Must be nice.
Most of you have already guessed why Bristol is still able to drag Levi through the court system, though I am apparently not supposed to state it definitively here on IM. Let's just say that today's hearing, as you can determine for yourself by visiting Court View, should be entitled the "Shut Gryphen up!" hearing.
Apparently, if my sources are correct, Bristol seems to believe that Levi controls me and can somehow keep me from posting anything that could prove damaging to her.
For the record, no he cannot.
However I think that once that part has been established today in court that the next plan will be to simply take Levi back to court as often as they can in the future and punish him financially for every negative story I write about her or her family with information that he may, or may not have provided during our conversations. (I DO have other sources still.)
In fact I learned yesterday that CSSD cleaned out Levi's accounts, and took all of the money that he had in there earmarked for the building of that house for his mother.
If I had to guess I would imagine that SOMEBODY notified the department about the Johnston GoFundMe account and tried to make sure that the money would not reach their lawyer. However the lawyer money was paid so instead they simply got the money for Sherry's house.
Just more dirty tricks my friends.
So let me take a minute to explain what I don't think a lot of people understand about Levi's case.
It may seem to simply be a child custody case, but in fact it is a 1st Amendment case.
Let me explain what I mean by that.
You see ever since Levi and Bristol split up, she and her mother have used Tripp, and other tactics, to keep Levi quiet about the things that he saw while living with them, and while dating her.
In my opinion Sherry Johnston's drug conviction was just one of those tactics. (Trust me, how she came to be arrested and the length of her conviction were HIGHLY unusual.)
When Levi hooked up with Rex and Tank (And remember that was just an attempt to get his son back in his life as well.) he started to tell the media those very stories, but at some point his handlers were compromised and once again Levi became afraid to speak freely.
(For instance do you remember when Levi supposedly apologized publicly to the Palins for the things he said in the media? Yeah? Well he never did that, in fact he only found out about it AFTER it had been published. But he was too intimidated by what they might do to correct that story.)
If you have been paying attention, EVERY time Levi came off of his leash, even to simply explain that he did NOT owe the amount of child support that was being reported in the media, he has suffered consequences. Which most of the time resulted in a loss of contact with his son.
After awhile you become afraid to even say your name to a reporter, much less tell your story.
To put that into perspective that would be like if YOU were constantly afraid that if you talked about your child, your ex, or some seemingly innocuous part of your life, with ANYBODY, that it might show up in a tabloid or blog somewhere and you would suddenly have no contact with your child or you would be viciously attacked in the press.
So when Levi came to me, after exhausting all other possibilities, you have understand how desperate he had become.
I gave him the money for his lawyer with no strings attached, but Levi felt it was only right to answer some of my questions, and so he did. Even though at the time he worried about the backlash, I assured him that nothing would be reported until AFTER the custody case was decided.
And I kept my word.
I must explain in my defense that I carefully laid this whole thing out for Levi and explained how he would be safe from retaliation if he were only to avoid a couple of missteps.
One of those missteps was to ever put trust into any deal from Bristol or her attorneys, or to believe that they would ever keep their side of any bargain.
Unfortunately I was not able to attend Levi's hearings with him and not everything went the way it was supposed to. For that reason we now find ourselves where we are today.
Today's hearing was closed so I will not be told what happened, and therefore cannot share it here.
I can tell you that Levi and Sunny have been under assault for this entire week, and that is most likely why Sunny has deleted her Facebook page.
I don't know what comes next for Levi and Sunny but I do know that I have no intention of being silenced.
In the meantime those who are helping to destroy this young couple's life seem to be largely untouched by any such drama.
Courtesy of Bristol's blog:
Dakota and I have a dilemma probably biweekly. He thinks clean shaven looks the best.
But, I disagree! I like him scruffy.
He says if I’m right – and people agree with me more – he’ll keep it scruffy.
If I’m wrong – he can shave whenever.
HELP ME OUT! Vote which look is best!
Yes while Levi and Sunny fight to keep their family together and pay their bills those with the means simply get to debate the importance of grooming.
Must be nice.