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Monday, 12 June 2017

It's official, Jerry Falwell Jr. is part of a task force assigned to reform public education.

Courtesy of The Chronicle:

Jerry L. Falwell Jr., the president of Liberty University, will be part of a White House task force, an official from the White House told The Chronicle on Sunday.

The news is the first official comment from the White House on the topic since Mr. Falwell told The Chronicle in January that President Trump and others in his inner circle had asked him to head up a task force on reforming regulations related to higher education. 

Even so, information on the task force’s role, membership, purview, and timing is still scant. 

"We are working on a task force that Jerry Falwell will be involved with," was all the official would say on the topic for now. He is someone who was authorized by the White House to speak on the subject but not be named.

Damn, I can feel our children getting dumber already.

You may remember that Falwell was originally asked by Donald Trump to be the Secretary of Education. 

Falwell turned it down and Trump's second choice Betsy DeVos got the appointment instead, which taking all things into consideration was hardly any better.

With Falwell leading a task force to "reform regulation related to higher education," and alternative school advocate Devros heading up the Department of Education, our kids don't stand a fucking chance.

For the first time ever I am thinking that home schooling, not religious of course, may be the only viable alternative for educating America's children knowing that they may well end up in a public school which teaches them that man walked with the dinosaurs, global warming is a Chinese conspiracy theory, and the earth is only six thousand years old.


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