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Sunday, 11 June 2017

Attorney General abruptly cancels plans to testify in open hearing, opts fro closed hearing instead.

Courtesy of Think Progress:  

Attorney General Jeff Sessions was scheduled to testify publicly next Tuesday before the House and Senate appropriations committees. On Saturday, he abruptly canceled. 

In letters to the chairmen of the committees, Sessions writes that he will send his deputy, Rod Rosenstein, to the hearing instead. In explaining the cancellation, Sessions writes that he believed that members of the committees were planning on asking him about “issues related to the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 election.”

Gee, ya think?|

Of course that is what they are going to ask him, as well as questions about just how many meetings with Russians did he have that he has failed to report?

Sessions did not decide to skip all testimony however.

Courtesy of Reuters:  

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a letter on Saturday that he will appear before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday to address matters former FBI Director James Comey brought up this week in testimony to the same panel. 

In a letter seen by Reuters, Sessions told Senator Richard Shelby, chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies, that the intelligence committee is the "most appropriate" place to address matters that came up during Comey's hearing on Thursday.

This Reuters article does not specify if this will be an open or closed hearing, but other reporting suggests that it will be closed.

Which I think is predictable since James Comey all but accused Sessions of having his own Russian problem, and there is no way that testimony will not come up during any hearings with Sessions.

I am really hoping that there is an open hearing coming up, because I would really enjoy watching this little Keebler Elf sweating his tiny balls off while being scrutinized about his association with the Russians and just why he did not respond to Comey's requests to never leave him alone with Trump.


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