Courtesy of Dakota Meyer Palin's Facebook page:
Look Bristol Palin she's a natural! #sailorgrace #america #minigatlinggun #beingadadistheshit #startthemearly #sailorgracesupportsthe2ndamendment
Share your pictures of your kids enjoying the 2nd amendment!
As a nation we are currently mourning the loss of two men of color and five Dallas police officers due to guns, so what is Dakota's contribution to the national dialogue?
A picture of his infant daughter with a gatling gun along with encouragement to others to share similar pictures.
Gee, how wildly inappropriate.
P.S. So I guess the children's faces only need to be blurred out to discourage "creeps" on Bristol's social media accounts?
Look Bristol Palin she's a natural! #sailorgrace #america #minigatlinggun #beingadadistheshit #startthemearly #sailorgracesupportsthe2ndamendment
Share your pictures of your kids enjoying the 2nd amendment!
As a nation we are currently mourning the loss of two men of color and five Dallas police officers due to guns, so what is Dakota's contribution to the national dialogue?
A picture of his infant daughter with a gatling gun along with encouragement to others to share similar pictures.
Gee, how wildly inappropriate.
P.S. So I guess the children's faces only need to be blurred out to discourage "creeps" on Bristol's social media accounts?