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Sunday, 10 July 2016

The Drudge Report finally goes too far even for conservatives.

Courtesy of Business Insider:  

Those were the three words that blared across the Drudge Report early Friday morning after five Dallas police officers were killed in a horrific ambush attack. 

And immediately upon seeing the race-baiting headline, conservatives rebelled against a once-reliable ally who has become more and more divisive to them over the course of the 2016 campaign. 

“In moments like these, we should do the opposite of what Drudge is doing,” Commentary Magazine Editor Noah Rothman wrote on Twitter. 

“Responsible reporting as always,” sarcastically tweeted Jeff Blehar, from the popular Ace of Spades blog. 

Others piled on. 

Allahpundit, an influential anonymous conservative blogger, skewered the site for a subsequent banner headline claiming a “black power group” had claimed responsibility for the attack. 

“Dallas chief says suspect told them before he died that he wasn’t part of a group,” the blogger wrote.

Even the husband of the Palin family's favorite ghostwriter chimed in.
Apparently there was already distrust brewing among conservatives when it came to Drudge due to is over the top support for Trump.  Which of course included making excuses for, or defending, his racist comments.

It seems to me that the nomination of Donald Trump has really forced the Republican party to face some rather unsavory truths about themselves.

So either they have to accept the fact that much of their base is driven by racism, or they have to work to change that rather inconvenient truth.

Or, I guess the third option would be to carry on like Dakota Meyer and the rest of the Palin family and simply refuse to believe that the fault lies with them, and instead turn it around and blame it on those who are subjected to the racism, the party that works to end that racism, or the President whose very existence brought all of out into the open.


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