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Monday, 15 August 2016

Donald Trump calls for the "extreme vetting" of immigrants.

Courtesy of Time:

Trump called for an ideological test for immigrants in a new policy speech, saying he would institute “extreme vetting” for visa applicants. 

“We should only admit into this country those who share our values and respect our people,” Trump said at Youngstown State University in Ohio Monday. “In the Cold War we had an ideological screening test. The time is overdue to develop a new screening test for the threats we face today. I call it extreme vetting. I call it extreme, extreme vetting,” he continued. “Our country has enough problems, we don’t need more.”

You may be surprised to hear this but I support the idea of "extreme vetting."

However rather than focus on immigrants coming to this country I would like to focus on Donald Trump.

First I would like to see those tax returns that he refuses to provide.

Then I want him to reveal ALL of this financial and personal ties to Vladimir Putin and Russia.

And thirdly I would like to see a current physical provided by a competent doctor, as well as an "extreme" drug screening, because let's face it Trump is clearly on something.

Don't believe me?

Take a look at these recent tweets.

That first tweet is the result of some strange Right Wing math applied to Clinton's stated desire to bring in 65,000 refugees, and the second tweet apparently means we are all supposed to think that a comparison of Hillary Clinton to Angela Merkel is an insult, even though Trump called her "probably the greatest leader in the world today" just last year.

Yeah I think instead of the regular pee test they should draw blood and really find out what chemicals are behind Trump's verbosity, mood swings, and orange skin color.


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