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Friday, 10 June 2016

The moment Bernie Sanders learned that President Obama had endorsed Hillary Clinton.

Yeah pretty clear he did not see that coming.

Later this same day Sanders gave a speech which the Huffington Post described as "Divorced from Reality."

Courtesy of HuffPo: 

Bernie Sanders delivered his typical stump speech at a campaign rally Thursday evening, choosing not to acknowledge President Barack Obama’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton, his meeting with the president, or Clinton’s claim to have won enough delegates for the Democratic nomination. 

“Next Tuesday, here in Washington, you will be having the very last primary of the Democratic nominating process,” Sanders told a crowd outside Robert F. Kennedy Stadium. “It would be extraordinary if the people of Washington, our nation’s capital, stood up and told the world that they are ready to lead this country into a political revolution.”

Later in that same speech Sanders made the comment "When I am President."


And remember this came right after he assured the press that he would be working WITH Hillary Clinton to defeat Donald Trump. 

Washington D.C. has 20 pledged delegates up for grabs, so obviously it can have no real impact on the nominating process. (Which is already over!)

There are also 26 super delegates ALL of whom are already going for Hillary Clinton. (Which also does not matter because Hillary Clinton already won!)

Lately there has been some criticism directed at me for not being more "diplomatic" or for not handling the sensitive feelings of the poor disappointed Bernie Sanders supporters with more care.


Every single day on this blog, that I created all by my lonesome, I get insulted repeatedly and called every name in the book. When did I ever go crying to anybody about my hurt little feelings?

This is politics, which is about the closest thing to the Roman gladiator games that you can get without actually getting stabbed or hit with a large club. (Two things by the way that have actually happened to me.)

In my opinion the Bernie Sanders supporters should have seen the writing on the wall months ago, and seen through Bernie's bullshit much much earlier.

If you failed to do that it is certainly not my job to make you feel better about your stupidity, it is my job to rub your nose in it so you do not do anything that ignorant again.

And for that you are welcome.


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