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Friday, 10 June 2016

Elizabeth Warren's entire speech at a judicial conference in Washington D.C.. I urge you to watch the entire 30 plus minutes.

Courtesy of CBS News:  

Speaking at a judicial conference in D.C. on Thursday night, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren unleashed one of her strongest attacks yet on presumptive GOP nominee and "wannabe tyrant" Donald Trump over his rhetoric on judges -- and his troubles over Trump University. 

"Donald Trump is a loud, nasty, thin-skinned fraud who has never risked anything for anyone and serves no one but himself," she told members of the American Constitution Society. "And that is just one of the many reasons why he will never be President of the United States."


"Donald Trump has run into a lot of legal trouble," she said. "Ah yes, Trump University, which his own former employees refer to as a 'fraudulent scheme.'"


"You shame yourself and you shame this great country," she told Trump. "Judge Curiel can't respond, but we can.... He is one of countless American patriots who has spent decades quietly serving his country, sometimes at great risk to his own life," she said. "Judge Curiel has survived far worse than Donald Trump. He has survived actual assassination attempts," Warren said. "He will have no trouble surviving Trump's nasty temper tantrums." 

You have undoubtedly seen clips of this speech, but I decided that it was important to post it in its entirety.

Elizabeth Warren does not simply go after Donald Trump, she eviscerates him.

And beyond that she demonstrates. without a shadow of a doubt in my opinion, why SHE is the absolutely best person to be Hillary Clinton's Vice President.

Hillary needs her. We need her. And America needs her.

So before any of you start with that garbage about how she can do so much more in the Senate, here are two words, Joe Biden.

Now Joe Biden was a popular and effective Senator for decades, but nobody could argue that as Vice President he has risen to a greater stature, and had a larger impact on the future of this country, than he ever could have hoped for while toiling away in the Senate.

As a Vice President Elizabeth Warren will be able to push forward many of the policies that Bernie Sanders promised but never had any hope of delivering.

She can do more at Hillary Clinton's side, being the voice of the working class, than she could ever hope to accomplish even if she spent another two decades as the Senator for Massachusetts.

And that my friends is just a fact.


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