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Thursday, 30 June 2016

Leave it to the Canadians to show us how we should respect our President.

Watching all of Prime Minister Trudeau's remarks as he introduces the President is an inspiration, but I would advice that you have your tissues handy around the 7:18 mark.

"These are the kinds of stories that I will think of when I consider President Obama's time in office. History books will record the signature policies. But I will remember, what I hope we all will remember, are the lessons you taught us, not by executive order, but by example. That we are accountable....(Hold for extended applause) The lesson that we are accountable to each other. That we are stronger together than we are apart. That we are more alike than we are different. And that there is a place in this world for politics that is hopeful, hard working, ambitious, and kind. Mr. President in your last state of the union address you said of the American people that they are clear eyed, big hearted, undaunted by challenge, and optimistic. I can think of no better way to describe their leader." 

Hearing that made me incredibly proud. Incredibly proud.

And the Prime Minister was clearly not the only Canadian who had such a high opinion of our President, just get a load of the response in that chamber after the President finished up his remarks.

Gonna need more tissue here.

(P.S. For those who want to see the full event form start to finish, just click here.)


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