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Thursday, 30 June 2016

Finally others are beginning to see what we have known for a long time, Sarah Palin is mentally ill.

Courtesy of the Daily Banter:  

Usually, Palin's rants consist of badly mangled sentences that attempt to belittle President Obama for being a sissy/closet Muslim/Communist etc. While deeply offensive, one can usually sort of understand what she is getting at, and it doesn't lie too far out of the usual parameters of right wing idiocy. 

 But recently, Palin's conspiratorial nonsense has taken a darker more sinister turn, and her bleak warnings about liberalism sound more like whack-job religious prophecies you hear mentally ill people telling themselves on street corners. 

First there was Palin's bizarre talk of the coming 'One World Government' in the wake of the Brexit, and then a very strange warning about the United Nations becoming a military power with US taxpayer dollars. 

Then, over the weekend, Palin warned Donald Trump that he should get a "food taste-tester" as a running mate: 

“I would tell him to find someone who understands who the boss will be," she said darkly. "Someone who is not running too, someone who he could serve with who he wouldn’t need a taste test, a food taste-tester around him, you know? You know what I mean?” 

Yesterday, Palin continued defying reality with a fact free claim about Hillary Clinton's responsibility for the deaths in Benghazi -- an astonishing assertion given Clinton was cleared of any wrong doing by a Republican lead investigation literally hours before.

This is how the article was summed up:

Jokes aside, perhaps Sarah genuinely does need psychological help as the signs are she is losing a grip on reality, and quickly.

I can't even remember how long I have been telling people that Sarah Palin is losing her mind.

But it's actually worse than that.

For the last eight years I have used Sarah Palin as a barometer to indicate where the conservative wing of the Republican party was going, but now she has been replaced by a more obvious indicator, Donald Trump.

So what's even more troubling than the fact that we have slowly watched Sarah Palin go batshit crazy for the last eight years is that her brand of lunacy has now gone mainstream in the form of Donald Trump.  

And he is now only a handful of points behind Hillary Clinton in the national polls.

How does that knowledge impact YOUR mental health?


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