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Sunday, 26 March 2017

Russia owned news outlet applies for pass to be part of pool that follows Donald Trump around.

Courtesy of Politico: 

The Russian state-owned news website Sputnik has applied for a White House hard pass and is seeking membership in the White House Foreign Press Group in order to become a part of pool rotations. 

Sputnik, which Foreign Policy magazine described as the "BuzzFeed of propaganda," would be part of a rotating group of roughly 22 overseas outlets following President Donald Trump in his everyday interactions along with pool reporters from American print, TV, and radio outlets. 

Andrew Feinberg, Sputnik’s White House correspondent, has been in talks with the WHFPG head Philip Crowther, who told POLITICO that if Feinberg and Sputnik complete the boilerplate criteria for being a member of the press group, there "shouldn't be any reason" they wouldn't join the White House press pool.

Sure why not?

After all how else will Vladimir Putin keep close tabs on his puppet and make sure that he is following his instructions? 

Hey guys, remember when America was run by Americans?


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