Courtesy of the New York Daily News:
Get a load of the panelists set for ABC’s “The Match Game,” the always loosey-goosey and often lewd show. There’s Leslie Jones, Mario Cantone, Leah Remini, Josh Charles and — wait for it — Sarah Palin, that BLANK from Alaska.
For the uninitiated, the reboot of a popular ‘70s game show, is all about filling in the BLANK. The host reads a joke with a missing word. Contestants try to guess how stars will fill it in.
Could it be a hoot seeing the staunch Republican rolls with the show’s famously liberal host Alec Baldwin? You betcha. And there’s also the fact that the show, after one episode, is already proving to be anti-Trump, whom Palin stands by.
Take this question from last week’s premiere: Donald Trump has invented a new Olympic event he thinks he can win. It’s a contest to see who can BLANK the most times in 60 seconds. Half of the panelists wrote: Lie.
If you click the link you can see the other "celebrities" who are also going to appear on the program most of who fall into the category of "You know, what's their name who appeared in that one show, with that other guy.")
So for those folks who took issue with my post last night concerning the depths to which Palin has now plunged, I have to ask "Do you feel me now?"
However that does not mean that Palin does not still have at least a small part to play in this year's political season.
Courtesy of CBS News:
Former Republican vice presidential nominee and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will speak at the same event as presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump Friday.
The pair of GOP pols will speak during the same morning session at the Western Conservative Summit in in Denver. The event bills itself as the largest annual gathering of conservative activists outside of Washington, D.C.
That's right Palin's role as the batshit crazy albatross around the flabby neck of the oddly coiffed Cheeto Jesus remains firmly in place.
Which means that even though she is only about one step away from turning tricks for meth money on Hollywood Blvd, she is still going to hang around long enough to help doom the craziest most unfit presidential candidate this country has ever seen.
And that is perhaps the most patriotic thing she has done for the American citizens since she quit as governor of Alaska in order to pursue her dream to be....well apparently her dream to be a panelist on a rebooted version of a 70's game show.
Get a load of the panelists set for ABC’s “The Match Game,” the always loosey-goosey and often lewd show. There’s Leslie Jones, Mario Cantone, Leah Remini, Josh Charles and — wait for it — Sarah Palin, that BLANK from Alaska.
For the uninitiated, the reboot of a popular ‘70s game show, is all about filling in the BLANK. The host reads a joke with a missing word. Contestants try to guess how stars will fill it in.
Could it be a hoot seeing the staunch Republican rolls with the show’s famously liberal host Alec Baldwin? You betcha. And there’s also the fact that the show, after one episode, is already proving to be anti-Trump, whom Palin stands by.
Take this question from last week’s premiere: Donald Trump has invented a new Olympic event he thinks he can win. It’s a contest to see who can BLANK the most times in 60 seconds. Half of the panelists wrote: Lie.
If you click the link you can see the other "celebrities" who are also going to appear on the program most of who fall into the category of "You know, what's their name who appeared in that one show, with that other guy.")
So for those folks who took issue with my post last night concerning the depths to which Palin has now plunged, I have to ask "Do you feel me now?"
However that does not mean that Palin does not still have at least a small part to play in this year's political season.
Courtesy of CBS News:
Former Republican vice presidential nominee and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will speak at the same event as presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump Friday.
The pair of GOP pols will speak during the same morning session at the Western Conservative Summit in in Denver. The event bills itself as the largest annual gathering of conservative activists outside of Washington, D.C.
That's right Palin's role as the batshit crazy albatross around the flabby neck of the oddly coiffed Cheeto Jesus remains firmly in place.
Which means that even though she is only about one step away from turning tricks for meth money on Hollywood Blvd, she is still going to hang around long enough to help doom the craziest most unfit presidential candidate this country has ever seen.
And that is perhaps the most patriotic thing she has done for the American citizens since she quit as governor of Alaska in order to pursue her dream to be....well apparently her dream to be a panelist on a rebooted version of a 70's game show.