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Monday, 27 June 2016

Jake Tapper questions whether Bernie Sanders is REALLY doing all he can to help defeat Donald Trump in 2016.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Sharing clips of Sanders earlier in the week admitting that “in all likelihood” he would be voting for Clinton in November, Tapper wondered if the candidate’s “hestitation” was sending the wrong signal to his supporters. 

“When your supporters hear you say ‘in all likelihood,’ your vote will go to Hillary Clinton, do you think they come away thinking that maybe you’ll run as a third party candidate? Maybe it’s not that important to you that she wins,” Tapper asked. ” I mean, there’s a hesitation there.” 

“Media focuses on politics as a game,” Sanders replied. “What we are talking about and what this whole campaign is about is transforming the United States. Dealing with the issues that led to Brexit. Understanding why the middle class continues to decline,” adding that he is trying to “build a strong progressive political movement that takes on big money interests.” 

“With all due respect, Senator, I’m not viewing this as a game,” Tapper replied. “I’m looking at the fact that I talk to your supporters all the time and many of them do not want to vote for Hillary Clinton, and they feel very negatively towards her. And if it is important to you, as you say it is, to defeat Donald Trump, I wonder if you are truly doing everything you can do to defeat Donald Trump.”

Sanders' response to this is to suggest that Hillary Clinton essentially needs to acquiesce to all of his demands in order to lure his supporters over to her side.

That is essentially political hostage taking, and Sanders well knows that if he were to really get behind Hillary in a forceful manner his cult following would quickly follow.

And none of this is lost on the Republicans who now have a game plan for how to further disenfranchise Bernie-bots: 

The Republican National Committee is planning to cleave liberal voters away from Hillary Clinton as part of a campaign to counteract her forthcoming pick of a vice presidential running mate. 

In a detailed memo outlining its strategy to combat Clinton’s VP choice, the committee says it will frame the selection as both a cynical play to certain constituencies and as an emotional letdown for voters who backed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in the Democratic primary. 

The goals, the memo says, are to “drive wedges between these top contenders and either Clinton and/or traditional Democrat constituencies, such as labor, environmentalists, and gun control advocates, and other traditional left-wing constituencies;” and “[w]here applicable, frame the choice as an insult to the large, deep base of Bernie Sanders supporters who are struggling with the notion of supporting Hillary Clinton as the presumptive Democrat nominee.”

So essentially the longer Bernie hems and haws the easier it is for the Republicans to cause further divisions within the Democratic party.

In other news the rats are already abandoning the sinking ship which is the Sanders' "campaign."

Courtesy of Politico:

Sen. Bernie Sanders' national press secretary has decided to leave the campaign, she confirmed on Sunday night. 

Symone D. Sanders (no relation to the senator) said she was departing the campaign amicably.

"I believe my time at the campaign has come to an end," she told POLITICO. "I'm very proud of the work we have done and am now looking forward to helping elect down-ballot Democrats and do all I can to ensure a Democrat is the 45th president of the United States." 

Well it is nice to see that there is at least one person associated with the Sanders' campaign who is putting the country first. 


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