Courtesy of Snowdrift Snooki's Facebook page:
In the hot seat with moderator James Carville at Politicon today (the convention is like comiccon minus the costumes... though I consider politicos' bowties as costumes). I love a challenge when sharing diverse worldviews - which Clinton's former chief strategist and I certainly pressed into on the stage today! Disagreements on the 2nd Amendment were pretty fierce (I'm a fan, not a dimwit opponent of that most important right); as were par-for-the-course false suggestions of racism. Liberals didn't change my mind one iota, and I'm sure they weren't swayed by me, but our civil discourse reflected the general passion both sides feel as we vet our next President. I respect Carville's politically encyclopedic mind. (Though I insist he's dead wrong on who's fit to serve as America's next Commander in Chief.)
At least is was a blast catching up, sharing laughs with my buddy and former Fox colleague, Sally Kohn (now with CNN); laughing backstage with "Cheers" John Ratzenberger (I'm the biggest Cliff Clavin fan!); and was floored with how pretty Roseanne Barr looks as she graciously shared with me her concerns for our country's challenges.
It was an interesting day "entertaining democracy" in beautiful Pasadena. Thank you to all the tremendous law enforcement personnel there for protecting our First Amendment rights!
- Sarah Palin
(Nice to see that Palin is reinforcing the importance of 1st Amendment rights, let's see how she feels about that in the next coming days and weeks.)
Here is the video of the entire interview conducted by James Carville.
As we feared Carville mostly lobbed softball questions at her and there was very little substance to her answers.
Of course she took inordinate credit for Trump's success and kept inferring that she was connected to the way "real Americans" think. Gag me.
Here was one exchange that did get a little more heated courtesy of Variety:
Carville, the Democratic strategist, said to the former vice presidential nominee: “When you say you want to take back the country, what is it you want to take back?”
“I want to take back the interpretation of our constitution that is being wrongly interpreted today,” Palin said.
“Where are we going haywire on the Constitution?” he asked.
Palin’s response: the Second Amendment.
“It is black and white, and we have a right, of course, to bear arms,” she said. “People who can interpret that to, ‘Oh that means not everybody has that right.’ Or to take certain things like ammo, ‘Well that doesn’t apply.’ Or we can get rid of AR-15s because AR-15s weren’t invented for hunting. I say, ‘Yeah, the Second Amendment wasn’t written in the case the moose turn on us.’ Of course it wasn’t mean for hunting.”
Carville, though, pressed her further.
“Do I have a right to possess a bazooka? Do I have the right to have a surface to air missile and live close to the Los Angeles Airport?”
“Well, that is such a stupid question,” Palin responded.
As it turned out the hardest question for Palin seemed to come from a ten year old reporter in the audience:
The first question from the audience came from a ten-year-old boy who also said he was a reporter. Carville asked him to come up on stage, and the boy noted that Palin had said that she “hated” countries that didn’t treat women right and didn’t want them to be part of the United Nations.
Palin tried to interrupt, but the boy asked her to “please” let him finish.
Given her comments about those countries, the boy said, “How come you are endorsing Donald Trump after he said, Megyn Kelly ‘has got blood coming out of her wherever.'”
There were cheers and some laughs from the crowd.
Palin answered, “Donald Trump isn’t sexist. If he were, I wouldn’t be endorsing him.”
Yeah, right. Sexism only exists in the minds of the Palins when they think it is directed at them.
Perhaps Carville should ask that ten year old boy for some pointers.
Essentially this is Palin continuing her role as a political oddity who can always be counted on to say something scandalous or idiotic which the media can then latch onto for the purposes of mocking her.
Clearly at this point she simply doesn't care so long as people are still paying attention to her, and of course paying her, for the privilege of those laughs at her expense.
In the hot seat with moderator James Carville at Politicon today (the convention is like comiccon minus the costumes... though I consider politicos' bowties as costumes). I love a challenge when sharing diverse worldviews - which Clinton's former chief strategist and I certainly pressed into on the stage today! Disagreements on the 2nd Amendment were pretty fierce (I'm a fan, not a dimwit opponent of that most important right); as were par-for-the-course false suggestions of racism. Liberals didn't change my mind one iota, and I'm sure they weren't swayed by me, but our civil discourse reflected the general passion both sides feel as we vet our next President. I respect Carville's politically encyclopedic mind. (Though I insist he's dead wrong on who's fit to serve as America's next Commander in Chief.)
At least is was a blast catching up, sharing laughs with my buddy and former Fox colleague, Sally Kohn (now with CNN); laughing backstage with "Cheers" John Ratzenberger (I'm the biggest Cliff Clavin fan!); and was floored with how pretty Roseanne Barr looks as she graciously shared with me her concerns for our country's challenges.
It was an interesting day "entertaining democracy" in beautiful Pasadena. Thank you to all the tremendous law enforcement personnel there for protecting our First Amendment rights!
- Sarah Palin
(Nice to see that Palin is reinforcing the importance of 1st Amendment rights, let's see how she feels about that in the next coming days and weeks.)
Here is the video of the entire interview conducted by James Carville.
As we feared Carville mostly lobbed softball questions at her and there was very little substance to her answers.
Of course she took inordinate credit for Trump's success and kept inferring that she was connected to the way "real Americans" think. Gag me.
Here was one exchange that did get a little more heated courtesy of Variety:
Carville, the Democratic strategist, said to the former vice presidential nominee: “When you say you want to take back the country, what is it you want to take back?”
“I want to take back the interpretation of our constitution that is being wrongly interpreted today,” Palin said.
“Where are we going haywire on the Constitution?” he asked.
Palin’s response: the Second Amendment.
“It is black and white, and we have a right, of course, to bear arms,” she said. “People who can interpret that to, ‘Oh that means not everybody has that right.’ Or to take certain things like ammo, ‘Well that doesn’t apply.’ Or we can get rid of AR-15s because AR-15s weren’t invented for hunting. I say, ‘Yeah, the Second Amendment wasn’t written in the case the moose turn on us.’ Of course it wasn’t mean for hunting.”
Carville, though, pressed her further.
“Do I have a right to possess a bazooka? Do I have the right to have a surface to air missile and live close to the Los Angeles Airport?”
“Well, that is such a stupid question,” Palin responded.
As it turned out the hardest question for Palin seemed to come from a ten year old reporter in the audience:
The first question from the audience came from a ten-year-old boy who also said he was a reporter. Carville asked him to come up on stage, and the boy noted that Palin had said that she “hated” countries that didn’t treat women right and didn’t want them to be part of the United Nations.
Palin tried to interrupt, but the boy asked her to “please” let him finish.
Given her comments about those countries, the boy said, “How come you are endorsing Donald Trump after he said, Megyn Kelly ‘has got blood coming out of her wherever.'”
There were cheers and some laughs from the crowd.
Palin answered, “Donald Trump isn’t sexist. If he were, I wouldn’t be endorsing him.”
Yeah, right. Sexism only exists in the minds of the Palins when they think it is directed at them.
Perhaps Carville should ask that ten year old boy for some pointers.
Essentially this is Palin continuing her role as a political oddity who can always be counted on to say something scandalous or idiotic which the media can then latch onto for the purposes of mocking her.
Clearly at this point she simply doesn't care so long as people are still paying attention to her, and of course paying her, for the privilege of those laughs at her expense.