Courtesy of HuffPo:
Planned Parenthood announced Friday that it will start registering voters at its clinics, on college campuses, online and at other locations, “regardless of their background, beliefs, or political ideology,” in an effort to get disenfranchised populations more involved in the political process.
The non-partisan campaign, called “My Vote, My Voice,” has the potential to reach a lot of people who don’t normally vote in presidential campaigns. Volunteers across 45 states will set up “action” tables outside of Planned Parenthood health centers and other locations in the community to sign people up to vote, educate them about voter ID laws in their states, and then remind them two weeks before the November election to vote.
Planned Parenthood serves 2.5 million patients a year, and many of those patients are young, low-income, and people of color― the demographics that are disproportionately affected by voter suppression laws.
“If we can’t all participate in our government, we all get cheated,” said Anna Keene, a Planned Parenthood spokeswoman. “We’re launching the ‘My Vote, My Voice’ campaign to help ensure that every voice is heard and every vote is counted in communities across the country. No matter what your political beliefs are, if you don’t or can’t vote, then you can’t elect officials who will keep your best interests in mind.”
Oh yeah this is going to make give the conservatives "splodey" heads for sure.
I mean sure women of all political stripes use the clinics, but in the minds of the Right Wing anybody who registers to vote in a Planned Parenthood clinic is DEFINITELY voting for Hillary Clinton.
Planned Parenthood announced Friday that it will start registering voters at its clinics, on college campuses, online and at other locations, “regardless of their background, beliefs, or political ideology,” in an effort to get disenfranchised populations more involved in the political process.
The non-partisan campaign, called “My Vote, My Voice,” has the potential to reach a lot of people who don’t normally vote in presidential campaigns. Volunteers across 45 states will set up “action” tables outside of Planned Parenthood health centers and other locations in the community to sign people up to vote, educate them about voter ID laws in their states, and then remind them two weeks before the November election to vote.
Planned Parenthood serves 2.5 million patients a year, and many of those patients are young, low-income, and people of color― the demographics that are disproportionately affected by voter suppression laws.
“If we can’t all participate in our government, we all get cheated,” said Anna Keene, a Planned Parenthood spokeswoman. “We’re launching the ‘My Vote, My Voice’ campaign to help ensure that every voice is heard and every vote is counted in communities across the country. No matter what your political beliefs are, if you don’t or can’t vote, then you can’t elect officials who will keep your best interests in mind.”
Oh yeah this is going to make give the conservatives "splodey" heads for sure.
I mean sure women of all political stripes use the clinics, but in the minds of the Right Wing anybody who registers to vote in a Planned Parenthood clinic is DEFINITELY voting for Hillary Clinton.