Courtesy of Okey Dokey Annie's Facebook page:
How beautiful that the first gold 🏅of the 2016 Summer Olympics goes to an American girl with a gun!? Congrats, Ginny Thrasher, you make ALL of us proud! (cool name too!) Go Team USA! 🇺🇸
So clearly this is a slam directed towards those of us who want common sense gun laws in this country. (That's right Sarah I can use the phrase "common sense" as well, and it even makes sense when I do it.)
However I think one would be hard pressed to find a gun control advocate who would have a problem with rifles being used at the Olympics, or for competitive shooting contests, or even for hunting to feed one's family. (There are always a few of course.)
So her nasty back handed insult really has no validity in this case.
I actually heard Ginny Thrasher being interviewed after her win and she was delightful, and not really very political:
“Some of the (controversy surrounding) gun laws in America is just distracting from our sport, which is very different,” Thrasher said.
However, speaking of political, as of this post America has won six medals altogether, but none of those are of any interest to Palin because she cannot use them in an attempt to create controversy.
Personally I am rooting for America to bring home a whole truckload of gold, silver, and bronze medals. And I don't care if they use a rifle, pole, paddle, or just their bodies to do it.