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Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Hey you know that thing that you always just assumed about Adolph Hitler? Well it's true.

"No Eva ignore those Jewish bastards I tell you my schwanz is this tall."
Courtesy of the Telegraph:

 It has long been suspected that Hitler's conquest of Europe was an attempt to compensate for a lack of potency elsewhere. 

But the notorious playground rhyme about his testicles appears to have only told half the story, as a book claims the leader of the Third Reich had a micropenis. 

Hitler suffered from a condition called hypospadias which left him with an abnormally small manhood, according to historians Jonathan Mayo and Emma Craigie.

Gee color me completely unsurprised. 

After all men have been overcompensating for their sexual inadequacies for years.

Now if only we could discover some outward sign of a man's inadequacies in order to predict potentially anti-social or psychotic reactions to their pre-dick-ament.

Yep if only I could think of something.

No wait, it will come to me.


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