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Sunday, 15 April 2018

Donald Trump vomits forth another early morning Twitter tantrum. Target: James Comey.

Yes, the best way to secure a job with a new President is to announce there is an open investigation against them a week before the election.

If Comey were trying to curry favor he would have announced that the FBI had been investigating the Trump campaign almost since its inception.
That is a LOT of misinformation in just one tweet.
Loretta Lynch? Are we seriously dredging that up again?
They are also CONFIRMED by other members of the FBI and Justice Department that Comey talked to directly after his meetings with Trump.
Just in case you are thinking "WTF?" keep in mind that Comey's big interview with ABC is being broadcast tonight.

Apparently somebody is a little agitated.

But it was not all Comey all the time this morning, Trump had a few other things to bitch about as well.
I did not even realize that lawyers came with an air release valve.

However of course not ALL lawyers are worried about being raided by the FBI.

Only the ones who lied, and paid off porn stars, for Donald Trump.

Then there was this tweet.
I have only one response to this:
 All Trump did with that statement was to remind us that our last completely incompetent president was so much MORE competent than this one.

And he never tweeted like a middle school girl who just found out her best friend was making out with the boy she likes behind the gym either.

Just saying.


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