AHEM: US IC has considerable SIGINT featuring high-level Russians talking about their collusion with Team Trump.— John Schindler (@20committee) March 5, 2017
You heard it here 1st.
I only tell you folks things about the IC, esp WRT something #YUGE like #TrumpRussia, when I personally know the spooks telling me the news.— John Schindler (@20committee) March 5, 2017
Courtesy of The Independent:BLUF: 1 intercepted convo between 2 senior Kremlin guys talking about collusion w/Trump isn't a big deal; a bunch of them = a very big deal.— John Schindler (@20committee) March 5, 2017
A former National Security Agency (NSA) counterintelligence officer says US agents have “considerable intelligence” of high-level Russians discussing collusion with Donald Trump’s election team.
John Schindler, a security expert specialised in espionage and terrorism, tweeted : “Ahem: US IC has considerable SIGINT featuring high-level Russians talking about their collusion with Team Trump.”
The former agent said that intelligence has been gathered from the NSA and its partners from intercepted electronic and communication signals.
Later, he added: “I’m confident that any serious investigation of #TrumpRussia will find enough intel to end Trump’s admin and send people to jail.”
Once again these are unnamed sources, but I certainly think they are more trustworthy than the ones Trump relied on to accuse President Obama of tapping his phones.
Now let's just wait and see what happens next.
Source http://ift.tt/2mYHKI9