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Monday, 6 March 2017

Donald Trump spokesperson claims that he simply does not believe that James Comey is telling the truth that Obama did not have the FBI tap his phones.

I am going to warn you ahead of time that this is going to make your damn head throb to watch this interview. If you thought Kellyanne Conway was bad, wait until you get a load of this Sarah Huckabee Sanders lunatic.

Courtesy of Politico:  

President Donald Trump does not accept an assertion from FBI Director James Comey that former President Barack Obama did not order an illegal wiretap of Trump Tower during last year’s presidential campaign, a White House spokeswoman said Monday.

Asked by ABC “Good Morning America” host George Stephanopoulos if Trump was willing to accept the denial of his FBI director, White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said he was not. 

“You know, I don't think he does, George,” Sanders said. “I think he firmly believes that this is a storyline that has been reported pretty widely by quite a few outlets. The wiretapping has been discussed in The New York Times, BBC, Fox News and we believe that it should be looked at by the House Intelligence Committee.” 

As he would wind up doing multiple times throughout their interview, Stephanopoulos interjected at that point to tell Sanders that what she had said was incorrect and that none of the media reports to which she referred actually backed up Trump’s accusation. All told, the “Good Morning America” anchor stopped Sanders five times to correct her over the course of their five-and-a-half minute interview.

I am not sure I would expect anything less from the progeny of Mike Huckabee, but that is quite a batshit laden performance right there.

I also do not think we should be surprised that Donald Trump is absolutely defiantly against admitting that he got suckered by Right Wing news outlets and does not have any real evidence that anybody actually tapped any of his phones.

Gee so I guess Trump won't be blowing any more kisses to Comey in the near future.
Isn't it a shame to see a bromance come apart like this?

By the way Jason Chaffetz, who has absolutely no intention of investigating allegations of collusion between Trump and the Russians, is chomping at the bit to go after former President Obama on this one.


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