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Thursday, 8 March 2018

In wake of Parkland school shooting Oregon Governor signs new gun control legislation into law. Minnesota state representative also introduces legislation, gets death threats.

Kate Brown
Courtesy of HuffPo: 

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown (D) signed new gun safety legislation into law on Monday, making the state the first to tighten its firearm regulations since last month’s mass shooting at a high school in Florida. 

The bill expands an existing law to prevent intimate partners who have a domestic violence or stalking conviction from buying and keeping guns. Until now, the state’s law only applied to married partners, and the new measure closes what was termed the “boyfriend loophole.” 

“I’m proud to sign this bill, making Oregon the first state to take action to prevent senseless gun violence since the tragedy in Parkland, Florida,” Brown said in a statement. “Today marks an important milestone, but we know we have more to do. It’s long past time we hold the White House and Congress accountable. Now’s the time to enact real change and federal gun safety legislation.” 

The bill was introduced in January, but the governor called it “historic” because state legislators decided to advance the measure in response to the Parkland shooting.

Well this is good news, and I am guessing that this is only the beginning.

Especially if those amazing Parkland students have anything to say about it.
However a state representative in Minnesota also wanted to introduce legislation to deal with gun violence, things did not go well.

Courtesy of Fox 9: 

Over the last week, Democrat State Representative Linda Slocum has received thousands of emails since introducing one of the most expansive gun control bills in Minnesota. 

Most have been critical, some have been downright nasty. She's been cussed out, compared to Hitler, called a whale and other sexually lewd comments, but one message stood out from the rest. 

“He threatened to kill me,” said Slocum. 

The Richfield representative was startled when she listened to the man's voicemail and then a follow-up email. She does not want to identify him because of safety concerns, but described part of his message to Fox 9.

“I have my gun and I’m ready to come and get you and it was very threatening,” said Slocum. 

As a former teacher and a long-time politician, Slocum says she's used to being called every name in the book, but this was different. She contacted the Ramsey County Sheriff's Office who is now investigating the threat. 

“I will file charges if I hear from him again,” she said.

So when somebody threatens to take away their little metal penis extenders, the knee jerk reaction is to threaten them with said metal penis extender?

In my opinion that right there is reason enough to lose access to those metal penis extenders.

I'm just saying.


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