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Saturday, 31 March 2018

After getting walloped by the Parkland students Laura Ingraham decides to take a vacation. Might as well, it's not like she has any advertisers left.

 Courtesy of Variety:  

Laura Ingraham is taking avacation next week. Now the question is whether a controversy swirling around the host will go on hiatus as well. 

The popular Fox News Channel host – her “Ingraham Angle” was the fourth most-watched cable-news program in February – told viewers Friday night she would not appear on air next week as she took what she described as a pre-planned break around the Easter holiday with her children. Substitute hosts are expected to fill in for her on the program. 

She leaves in the midst of heightened scrutiny. Ingraham set off an imbroglio Wednesday with a Twitter post mocking Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg, one of the students who has spoken out about gun control prominently since a February 14th shooting incident at the Parkland, Florida school left 17 people dead. Her tweet linked to a report noting Hogg had been rejected from four California colleges. Her tweet also said Hogg “whines about” the rejections. 

That extremely immature attack resulted in a call for a boycott of Ingraham's advertisers and as of right now these are the businesses that have turned their backs on her:

Atlantis Bahamas 



Jenny Craig 

Johnson & Johnson

Liberty Mutual 



Stitch Fix 


and Wayfair. 

Okay THAT'S a hell of a list.  And there will likely be even more by the end of the day.

Keep in mind that Ingraham is not the ONLY conservative who has been brought to their knees after attacking these Parkland students, and if I were a Right Wing asshole I would be thinking twice about getting on the wrong side of these kids.

They are moving us to the future, and woe be to those that try to stand in their way.


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