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Sunday, 1 April 2018

Happy Easter heathens!

Y'all know the story.

Jesus died.

They buried him.

He rose from the dead.

And then he started biting people and that's how Christianity spread throughout the world.

I may be a little hazy on the specifics, and I HAVE been watching a lot of zombie movies, but I think that's the gist.

Personally I do not think it is all that weird that Easter fell on April Fool's Day this year.

After all I have been calling it a fool's holiday for decades.

But still, in the interest of human fellowship, I hope you have a great holiday.

And stay away from those Peeps, I have it on good authority that they are Satanic.

I'm pretty sure these kids think the Easter Bunny is as well.
Christianity, terrifying children for over 2000 years now. 


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