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Thursday, 15 February 2018

If we don't stop criticizing Donald Trump the NRA is going to destroy their TV sets. Or something like that.

Courtesy of HuffPo: 

The NRA really doesn’t like it when people don’t show enough respect to President Donald Trump. 

A new spot from the gun lobbyists features an angry guy stewing as a TV shows clips of the media criticizing Trump and the National Rifle Association. Some of the clips are of comedy shows, including “Saturday Night Live” and “Last Week Tonight With John Oliver.” 

Eventually he lowers a set of goggles and destroys the TV set with a sledgehammer in a tantrum as it displays a “Morning Joe” segment. 

The angry guy in the video is right-wing radio host Grant Stinchfield, who made headlines last year when he suggested that North Korea drop a nuclear bomb on Sacramento, California. 

I literally have no idea what we are supposed to take away from this advertisement.

Except for the fact that NRA members are destructive assholes who have anger issues.

Which by the way just adds to my list of why they should not be allowed to own firearms. 

And yet because of tantrums like this we saw 17 people killed yesterday in a school shooting.

We need to start throwing tantrums of our own. 


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