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Friday, 8 December 2017

Conservative media has now launched an all out attack on Robert Mueller in order to undermine his investigation.

(Sorry for the abrupt ending, it was the only version I could find.)

Courtesy of CNN: 

What's President Trump hearing when he watches Fox News? 

He's hearing that special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation is "illegitimate and corrupt." That it's led by a "band of merry Trump-haters" who are trying to reverse the results of the election. And that it must be stopped. 

He's also hearing that the FBI is becoming "America's secret police," akin to the KGB in Russia, full of "sickness" and "corruption." 

These are all actual quotes from some of the president's favorite pro-Trump talk shows. 

The overarching message from "Fox & Friends" and "Hannity" is unmistakable: Mr. President, you're the victim of a "deep state" plot to take you down. Don't let it happen. 

Sean Hannity, the highest-rated host on Fox, has renewed his calls for Mueller to resign. And Fox's other pro-Trump shows reinforce this message on a daily basis. 

In recent weeks, there's been a big increase in reporting about Mueller's probe and how it could affect Trump's inner circle. At the same time, there's also been a sharp escalation in the anti-Mueller rhetoric coming from right wing media sources.

We have seen some of these attacks before, but now it appears that things are ramping up to a rather hysterical level.

In looking for more information about this I Googled "conservative attacks on Robert Mueller" and what I found makes these attacks from Fox News look like child's play.

Other conservative outlets are not even trying to appear reasonable, and some of what they are charging is so unhinged that it almost seems to be a parody of itself.

I think that it is beyond obvious that the Right Wing media is conditioning their listeners, Trump's base, to accept that the firing of Robert Mueller as not only reasonable, but necessary.

That is why Robert Mueller must be protected at all cost.


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