You can always tell a crook by who they pal around with. |
Israeli police said Tuesday there is "sufficient evidence" to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on criminal charges in two corruption cases.
According to a police statement published late Tuesday, authorities found evidence of "accepting bribes, fraud, and breach of trust."
In a televised statement, Netanyahu said that the allegations against him would be dismissed, repeating what has become his catchphrase, "There will be nothing because there is nothing."
In a statement given moments before police issued their official findings, he said: "I think about the good of the country not for personal reasons of the press, but only for the country, and nothing will stop me from doing this, not even the attacks against me, and believe me they're never ending.
"And, therefore, today isn't different from any other days which I've been through in past 20 years."
Well if he actually got arrested, THAT might be a little different.
Okay seriously, is there anybody close to Donald Trump and Sarah Palin who are NOT crooks?