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Sunday, 21 January 2018

Twitter to suspend 1,062 accounts linked to Russian troll farm.

Courtesy of The Hill: 

Twitter said Friday that it has suspended 1,062 new accounts it has found to be linked to the Internet Research Agency, a Russian "troll farm" which disseminated content intended to interfere in the U.S. political process. 

In total, the company has found 3,814 Internet Research Agency-linked accounts, which posted 175,993 tweets during the 2016 presidential campaign. 

Twitter said it also found 13,512 new Kremlin-linked bot accounts, bringing the total number of bots it has found in connection to Russia's election influence efforts to 50,258. 

The company also said in a post on Friday that it will notify 677,775 people to let them know that they either liked, retweeted or followed Russian-linked accounts, following a request from Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) to do so. 

Twitter noted, however, that it won’t show users the content they saw, saying that because it has “already suspended these accounts, the relevant content on Twitter is no longer publicly available.”

"The relevant content on Twitter is no longer publicly available."

What they don't mention is that it is being replaced by new data, from new Russian troll accounts, that are yet to be identified. 

The misinformation campaign continues to this day, and still people are ignorantly retweeting  or liking tweets that originate in Russia and are designed to manipulate public opinion or sow the seeds of divisiveness.

Both Twitter and Facebook played a huge part in helping to hijack our Democracy. And they need to be held accountable.


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