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Sunday, 21 January 2018

Last night SNL spent much of the show mocking the Trump presidency.

You know that absolutely NOBODY takes you seriously when even your doctor gets ridiculed on late night TV shows.

During my favorite part of he show, Weekend Update, the mocking continued.

Is there ANYBODY that Kate McKinnon cannot play on television?

This was almost as good as her Jeff Sessions.

Next up, Stormy Daniels.

Yep, we all "got a Stormy" alright. Lucky us.

Trump recently made the comment that he will win reelection because cable news shows, and reporters, will not want to see him leave office, because they make money writing about him.

That of course is bullshit.

However I have to imagine that late night comedy will certainly shed a tear or two when he is dragged kicking and screaming from the Oval Office.

Nah, just kidding. They will probably be applauding right along with the rest of us.


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