I am by no means a big fan of Meghan McCain, but she is a human being, and she is suffering.In emotional moment on @TheView, Joe Biden consoles Meghan McCain, whose father was diagnosed with same cancer Biden's late son Beau had. "There is hope. And if anybody can make it, your dad [can]." http://pic.twitter.com/tQUy11X5sV— ABC News (@ABC) December 13, 2017
Joe Biden demonstrates such abundant humanity in how he interacts with her, and his ability to even make her laugh while she is falling apart on national televisions speaks highly of the kind of heart our former Vice President possesses.
When Joe and Barack ran our country we were in many ways the best we have ever been.
They embodied the type of decency that we are sorely lacking these days.
I miss them both, and know that whenever I share a story about what either one of them is up to these days that it will be both uplifting and hopeful.
Source http://ift.tt/2j2uNMJ