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Saturday, 27 January 2018

Since the Stormy Daniels story broke Melania Trump has been staying in a hotel, and taking pains to avoid spending time with her husband.

Courtesy of the Daily Mail:  

Melania Trump has spent a number of nights at a posh D.C. hotel away from President Trump following allegations of a fling with porn star Stormy Daniels, White House sources told 

The first lady opted for time away from her husband since news of a possible $130,000 payoff from the President's lawyer to Daniels to cover up an alleged tryst was first reported by The Wall Street Journal. 

Then, last week, to add insult to injury, a celebrity magazine published a cringe-worthy 2011 interview with Daniels in which she talked about the alleged 2006 sexual encounter with the future president in a hotel room at a casino in Lake Tahoe, Nevada following a celebrity charity golf tournament. 

'It's been upsetting and humiliating; her relationship with President Trump has become strained,' a White House source told 

Yesterday Melania Trump's spokesperson issued this statement on Twitter:
As you can see the statement does not specify which reports are"salacious" or "flat out false."

As for the tabloid like reporting on this, well Donald Trump has often lived his life as if it were designed to provide fodder for the tabloids and gossip mags, so the press cannot be blamed for covering news about the occupant of the White House regardless of its seediness.

Melania Trump has known this for years, hell she knew it when she married him, so it is hard to feel sorry for her now that her marriage of convenience is receiving national coverage by the press.

I have to wonder what Trump is doing behind the scenes to keep her contained, because it would likely be even more damaging to his presidency for Melania to file for divorce, than anything Robert Mueller might uncover during his investigation.

And she seems to be trolling Donald Trump to let him know that she realizes she has him by the short hairs.

Remember this is what she tweeted out to celebrate her first year as First Lady.
Notice anything missing?

Ivanka Trump may be the actual First Lady in every sense of the word except officially, but it is clear that Melania is really the one holding the power right now.


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