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Sunday, 16 October 2016

Here is a little good news to start your Sunday.

Courtesy of HuffPo: 

When The Huffington Post’s presidential forecast model debuted on Oct. 3, Clinton had an 84 percent chance of winning, leaving Trump only a 16 percent chance of becoming president. Now, 11 days later, Trump’s chances are in the single digits. Clinton has a 91 percent chance of winning. The model gives her 341 electoral votes to Trump’s 197. 

Trump’s lower chances in the forecast stem from small shifts in polls across several states. Despite the poll changes in Utah, it’s still classified as a likely Trump win. Other states have seen small ― but important ― shifts toward Clinton. Michigan and Wisconsin are now over 90 percent likely to go to Clinton, which gives her 273 electoral votes just among states that she is 90 percent or more likely to win.

Once again I share this with you simply to start your day off on a positive note, but it in no way means that this election is over and that your vote does not matter.

Early voting in Alaska starts Monday, October 24, and if you do not think I will be there on day one to cast my vote for Hillary Clinton then you certainly do not know me very well.


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