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Sunday, 16 October 2016

So thanks to Wikileaks everybody has finally had a chance to see those scandalous Wall Street speeches of Hillary Clinton's. Prepare to be underwhelmed.

Wikileaks continues this slow dribble of hacked information that they once claimed would destroy the Clinton campaign.

However all it seems to be doing is reinforcing that Hillary Clinton is essentially a very knowledgeable, experienced, and capable politician.

Here are some excerpts courtesy of NBC News.

On the Syrian no fly zone:

She also discussed a no-fly zone, and said putting one in place could draw the U.S. and NATO further into the conflict, according to the documents. 

"To have a no fly zone you have to take out all of the air defense, many of which are located in populated areas. So our missiles, even if they are standoff missiles so we're not putting our pilots at risk — you're going to kill a lot of Syrians," Clinton said, according to the documents. "So all of a sudden this intervention that people talk about so glibly becomes an American and NATO involvement where you take a lot of civilians."

What? She doesn't think killing innocent civilians is a good way to end a conflict in Syria?

And she wants to be leader of the free world, please!

On working with Russia: 

Although Clinton has been making that case that she would be far tougher on the Putin regime in Russia than her opponent, she did tell audiences in 2013 that should would "love it it we could continue to build a more positive relationship with Russia." She described her efforts as Secretary of State to improve relations with Russia and expresses hope that President Vladimir Putin would be "less defensive" towards working with the U.S. on issues where the two nations have mutual agreement. 

Oh sure, be reasonable. Too bad half of the country seems willing to embrace the unreasonable.

On Wall Street (Okay now we're getting somewhere.): 

Clinton spoke in great detail about what she saw as the root causes of the Great Recession and its fallout in subsequent years. In part, she said there should have been "greater transparency" on what went wrong from not just bankers but regulators and lawmakers, too. She also argued that an effort to prevent another crisis will require a buy-in from Wall Street itself, which she calls 'the nerves, the spinal column" of the economy. 

"If you were an elected member of Congress and people in your constituency were losing jobs and shutting businesses and everybody in the press is saying it's all the fault of Wall Street, you can't sit idly by and do nothing," Clinton conceded. "But what you do is really important."

That, that was what the Sanders' supporters were convinced would cost her the nomination?

There are a few more examples that you can find on various news sites, but unless they are prone to wild exaggerations or outright deception there is really nothing revealed that hurts Hillary even a little bit.

Here is how CNN summed it up:

Clinton collected at least $1.8 million for at least eight speeches to big banks, according to figures released by Clinton's campaign and tax documents she released earlier this year. 

And while the transcripts show a more blunt, less reserved Clinton, much of what the former secretary of state said to Goldman Sachs and other groups appear generally in line with some of what she has said publicly.

So essentially Clinton made almost two million dollars to say in private speeches essentially the same thing that most of us could hear for free, only with a little more candor.

Well that's a hell of a gig if you can get it.

Let's face it all that we have learned by reading these hacks from Wikileaks is that Hillary is an actual person who tries to keep at least some of her life from the prying eyes of the media, and who is essentially a more approachable and human person behind closed doors than she is in public.

However there is literally NOTHING scandalous and certainly nothing that is going to negatively impact her candidacy.

And yes I know that Wikileaks is going to continue to release more information up until the election, but since early voting has already started in a few states, do we honestly think that they are holding onto some bombshell for release right before election day?

I don't.

You know I thought this tweet perfectly summed up my feelings about Hillary Clinton's supposed "criminal" behaviors.
Well said.


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