I think this screw up is probably a good indication of how FUBAR'd this speech is going to be.Looking forward to tomorrow’s State of the Uniom. pic.twitter.com/xdBUU3Pvo5— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) January 29, 2018
Also how FUBAR'd the actual state of union is regardless of how Trump might describe it tonight.
Like I said before, I'm not watching.
However I also knew that whatever I posted in this slot would invariably receive tons of comments about the speech, so why not leave a space for those very comments?
To start you of here are a couple of things to watch for.
The audience will be filled with both Dreamers and representatives of the #MeToo movement.
Melania Trump is expected to end her self imposed exile after the Stormy Daniels story broke, and make an appearance at the speech as well. (Maybe she can get a seat in the #MeToo section.
Those who do watch the actual televised speech will also have the opportunity to enjoy an advertisement calling for Trump's impeachment payed for by billionaire Tom Steyer. So that will be nice.
I will update this post as information about the speech becomes available.
P.S. And on a serious note, whatever you do, do NOT play a drinking game which has you take a shot everytime Trump tells a lie, or you are certain to die from alcohol poison.
Source http://ift.tt/2DN3EGa