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Saturday, 20 February 2016

Donald Trump wins South Carolina primary.

So Trump wins again, even after essentially blaming 9-11 on George W. Bush and getting into a pissing match with the Pope.

So apparently everything we have been told about Republicans and family values is pure BS.

It looks like second place is currently a knock down drag out between Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, with Jeb Bush coming in at a very distant fourth.

So once again this essentially illustrates why Democrats need a powerhouse to go up against the GOP nominee.

Right now it is almost impossible to argue against the fact that Trump is going to win the GOP nomination. And if he does he will run an incredibly negative campaign.

Like it or not in order to fight back we need a candidate who, first of all has been under attack from the Republicans for most of her adult life, and secondly knows how to land a solid punch.

If one looks back at Trump's history you quickly learn that he has an incredibly thin skin, and that he has an especially strong reaction to criticism from women. (Remember his disgusting attacks against Rosie O'Donnell.)

Hillary will know how to use that to her advantage, as will Bill.

In fact I believe that this is the fight that Bill Clinton is itching to have.

As much as I admire Bernie Sanders, this is like nothing he has ever seen before.

On the other hand it is like Hillary Clinton has been training for this her entire life.


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