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Saturday, 4 November 2017

Even with the Mueller investigation bearing down like a freight train, Trump is still open to having a meeting with Vladimir Putin during his trip.

"I'm not a puppet. You're the puppet."
Courtesy of WaPo: 

President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin may meet next week at an economic summit in Vietnam, but there is scant optimism in Russia that face-to-face talks will yield any breakthroughs on the long list of issues that divide Washington and Moscow. 

Sanctions against Russia, tensions in Syria, the threat of ­military conflict in North Korea and the stalemate over Ukraine top the litany of seemingly in­trac­table differences in the U.S.-Russia relationship. 

Looming above it all is the sense in Moscow that the closer special counsel Robert S. Mueller III comes to Trump’s inner circle in his investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, the less likely the U.S. president will be to try to reverse the downward spiral with Russia. 

Trump, who set out Friday for a 12-day trip to Asia that will take him to Japan, South Korea, China and the Philippines, told Fox News on Thursday that it was possible he could meet with the Russian leader for the second time. Trump is scheduled to appear at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Danang, Vietnam, which Putin is also scheduled to attend. 

“We may have a meeting with Putin,” he said. “And again, Putin is very important because they can help us with North Korea. They can help us with Syria. We have to talk about Ukraine.”

Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said that “we aren’t ruling out a Putin-Trump meeting in Vietnam” and that the details “are being coordinated now.” 

One has to ask at this point, "Does it even matter anymore?"

I mean does anybody still not believe that Trump is Putin's Manchurian candidate, and that Trump is , as Stephen Colbert so eloquently stated, Putin's "c**k holster?"

And if there are such people can somebody direct me to the cave that they are living in so that I can interview them?


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