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Saturday, 4 November 2017

Donald Trump in response to a question about unfilled positions in the State Department.: "I'm the only one that matters."

Courtesy of HuffPo: 

President Donald Trump brushed off concerns that the State Department still has key unfilled jobs, telling Fox News’ Laura Ingraham that he’s the only one who matters. 

“We don’t need all the people they want us to get,” Trump said in an interview that aired Thursday night. “Let me tell you ― the one that matters is me. I’m the only one that matters because when it comes to it, that’s what the policy is going to be.” 

The president also blamed Senate Democrats for dragging out the approval process for his nominees. While some State Department job picks are waiting for confirmation, more than a dozen top positions remain vacant with no named nominee, according to a Fox News article published last month.

Damn I swear I felt somebody walk across my grave.

That is one of the most chilling answers I have heard yet.

Donald Trump is a fucking idiot, and clearly suffering from a mental illness.

Only somebody with an extreme megalomaniac would suggest that they, and they alone, are the only important person needed to run a country as vast and complicated as the united States of America.

Just imagine if President Obama had answered a question like that. Never mind trying, you can't do it, because he NEVER would have.

When asked later if Trump thought that Rex Tillerson would last the duration, he responded with:

“Well, we’ll see,” Trump said. “I don’t know who’s gonna be ― duration.”

Yes, let's dismiss all of the grownups and leave the cranky toddler in charge of everything.

Okay look if you need me, I will be hiding under my bed. 


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