Courtesy of Politico:
“I don’t think God sits things out. He’s a sovereign God. Donald Trump became our nominee. I think it’s very likely that in the day that we live in, that Donald Trump is the only individual who could win in a general election of the 17 who ran,” the former Minnesota congresswoman told CBN News’ The Brody File.
“I actually supported Ted Cruz. I thought he was fabulous, but I also see that at the end of the day God raised up, I believe, Donald Trump who was going to be the nominee in this election,” she said.
“Maybe I’m wrong, I don’t know, but I do know that the Bible is true and that Daniel teaches the most high God which is one of God’s names is the one who lifts up who He will and takes down who He will and so that’s why my prayers and my actions and my work on a daily basis is to make sure that Donald Trump becomes ‘President Trump’ the first Tuesday of November this 2016,” Bachmann added.
Let's see Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, Pat Robertson, and Ted Cruz all claimed, or had supporters who claimed on their behalf, that God chose them to run for President.
So if past is prologue I would suggest that a blessing from God is the kiss of death for a candidate.
However I would like to believe that if there were a God he would be doing everything in his considerable power to keep this lunatic away from the White House, not help him to get there.
Now Satan on the other hand......
“I don’t think God sits things out. He’s a sovereign God. Donald Trump became our nominee. I think it’s very likely that in the day that we live in, that Donald Trump is the only individual who could win in a general election of the 17 who ran,” the former Minnesota congresswoman told CBN News’ The Brody File.
“I actually supported Ted Cruz. I thought he was fabulous, but I also see that at the end of the day God raised up, I believe, Donald Trump who was going to be the nominee in this election,” she said.
“Maybe I’m wrong, I don’t know, but I do know that the Bible is true and that Daniel teaches the most high God which is one of God’s names is the one who lifts up who He will and takes down who He will and so that’s why my prayers and my actions and my work on a daily basis is to make sure that Donald Trump becomes ‘President Trump’ the first Tuesday of November this 2016,” Bachmann added.
Let's see Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, Pat Robertson, and Ted Cruz all claimed, or had supporters who claimed on their behalf, that God chose them to run for President.
So if past is prologue I would suggest that a blessing from God is the kiss of death for a candidate.
However I would like to believe that if there were a God he would be doing everything in his considerable power to keep this lunatic away from the White House, not help him to get there.
Now Satan on the other hand......