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Thursday, 9 November 2017

Donald Trump has tweeted about Hillary Clinton more than 70 times since the election. Fixated much?

Courtesy of Mother Jones:  

He just can’t quit her. 

It’s been 365 days since Donald Trump won the presidency and Crooked Hillary is still one of his favorite Twitter targets. To be fair, Trump did give former opponent Hillary Clinton a break for a few weeks after November 8, 2016—perhaps he too was in mourning?—but that doesn’t mean he gave up picking on her. To see just how much the president is not over the election, we’ve gathered the 70-plus times he’s trolled Clinton, at least by name (or nickname), since beating her a year ago.

Mother Jones then offers a list that seems to include all of them.

Here is but a sample:
Damn that is some stalkerish shit right there.

Trump is NEVER going to get over the fact that Hillary beat him in the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. And that seems to literally drive him out of what is left of his pea sized mind. 


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