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Thursday, 9 November 2017

Barack Obama gives some folks in Chicago a thrill simply by showing up for jury duty.

Courtesy of the Chicago Tribune: 

Prospective juror Barack Obama, who ultimately was not chosen to sit on a jury, climbed out of a black SUV in a secure parking garage underneath the Daley Center around 10 a.m. Wednesday as a news helicopter hovered overhead. Then, accompanied by his Secret Service detail, Obama rode a private elevator reserved for judges to the 17th floor, where he was greeted by Chief Judge Timothy Evans. 

He emerged smiling as if in campaign mode, shaking hands as he made his way under the fluorescent lights to the jury assembly room. “This looks like Chicago right here,” Obama said to laughter after surveying the room filled with rows of black plastic chairs, according to one of the jurors who captured it on video. “I like that.”

A security guard at the courthouse warned a gaggle of news photographers, reporters, court staff and attorneys not to photograph the room, but all bets were off once the crowd caught a glimpse of Obama inside. The crowd rushed and pressed against the glass doors as everyone tried to snap a photo. 

“He’s gorgeous!” exclaimed court clerk Sonal Joshi, who briefly came upstairs and caught a glimpse of Obama before rushing back to her post on a lower floor of the building.

Just thought it would be nice to see a reminder of how a real public servant deals with his civic responsibilities. 


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