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Sunday, 31 July 2016

So apparently now Sarah Palin is inserting herself into actual news stories in a desperate attempt to remain relevant.

Courtesy of the Ima Irrelevant's Facebook page: 

So Hillary's campaign stylist apparently leaked to the NYT she wore a white pantsuit to her convention as homage to the democrat female politician, Geraldine Ferraro, who'd also worn white. I was asked why I wore white, too. For the record - I wore it in '08 because it was the outfit with no baby barf encrusted on the shoulder. 

Okay well first off I think we all know that nobody asked her anything about any white outfit, which is why she can't link to an actual article.

And secondly has anybody else noticed that the last nine or ten posts on her Facebook page, besides this one, ALL link to the Independent Journal site which I assume means that they are literally the last place where Palin is welcome to post her obnoxious opinions besides her Facebook page.

So recognizing that makes me wonder if anybody even cares anymore about the information concerning her and her family that I am planning to post this next week?

It is true that the story of Track Palin's might have been/might not have been incarceration manged to attract some attention, but even that only lasted about a day, with nobody even bothering to follow up to find out exactly what REALLY happened there.

Has Sarah Palin now been rendered so irrelevant that nobody even cares anymore?

Would even proof positive that she did not give birth to Trig cause a significant ripple in today's daily news cycles?

I have to tell you, I'm beginning to think the answer might be no, it wouldn't.


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